Database of Arbitrators and Mediators

The MIAC Database features a global pool of both highly experienced and new arbitrators as well as mediators, drawn from civil and common law jurisdictions around the world.

In creating an online Database, MIAC aims to create a useful resource to users, and at the same time bring to the fore the recognized talent of arbitrators and mediators from Africa, Asia, and beyond.

The Database is freely accessible to the public for assistance in identifying appropriate arbitrators for specific cases. Appointments by the MIAC appointing authority may also draw upon, but would not be limited to, the Database. While MIAC encourages qualified individuals to join the Database, inclusion in the Database does not entail an endorsement or certification by MIAC.

formidable test search

Mr. Romain Dupeyré



Gender: Male

Nationality: French

Country: France

Email Address:


Languages: French (Native), English (Fluent)

Experience as sole arbitrator: Yes

Experience as co-arbitrator: Yes

Experience as presiding arbitrator: Yes

Experience as counsel in arbitration proceedings: Yes

Experience as Mediator: No

Legal systems: Civil Law, Common Law

Bar Admission: New York, 2006 , Paris, 2006

Fields of arbitration specialization: Construction & Infrastructure, Energy & Natural Resources, Hospitality & Leisure, Insurance


ICC Bulletin, ” Expedited Procedures – Practical and Comparative Considerations“, 2023-1, p. 52

ICC Bulletin, “Two Supreme Courts – One Single Approach to the Review of Arbitral Awards”, 2022-1, p. 27

Revue de droit des affaires internationales (RDAI), Chronique de jurisprudence arbitrale en matière hôtelière, 2018
Revue Lamy de droit civil, “La clause compromissoire”, 2016
Bulletin CCI, “ICC Arbitration in the Hospitality Industry”, 2016
L’arbitrage en matière hôtelière, b-Arbitra, 2015
L’affaire Vasarely : l’arbitrage en trompe l’oeil, Cahiers de l’arbitrage, 2015
La procédure arbitrale électronique, Lettre de la Chambre arbitrale internationale de Paris, 2015
From the Definition of an Arbitral Award to the Violation of International Public Policy: A Blend of French International Arbitration Law, International Journal of Arab Arbitration, 2014
The New Rules of the French Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Centre (CEFAREA-ARIA France), 80 Arbitration, 2014
Les arbitres et centres d’arbitrage face à leurs responsabilités, Bulletin de l’Association Suisse d’Arbitrage, 2014
Le Règlement d’arbitrage de Paris”, Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires (LJA), 2013
Les notions d’investissement et de force majeure dans l’arbitrage CIRDI : note sous sentence CIRDI Affaire n° ARB/07/02, RSM c. République centrafricaine, Journal Africain de Droit des Affaires, 2012
La Cour d’appel de Paris confirme et étend le principe d’arbitrabilité de la rupture de relations commerciales établies, Revue de l’arbitrage, 2015.135
La demande d’intérêts moratoires est une question de fond qui relève de la compétence des arbitres”, note sous CA Paris, 3 févr. 2011, Sytrol, Revue de l’arbitrage, 2011.468
Les évènements de la procédure arbitrale”, Revue de l’arbitrage, 2010.1003
Rupture de relations commerciales établies : la Cour de cassation confirme la priorité de la compétence arbitrale”, Rev. arb. 2010
L’apport des républiques du Congo à la jurisprudence française sur l’arbitrage et le droit international privé, Revue Congolaise de Droit et des Affaires, 2011
La participación de terceros en el arbitraje internacional, Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2010 – 2014
Arbitrators on the witness stand! Comparative approaches, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2010
French Supreme Court Holds That Findings Made by Arbitrators Are Effective against Third Parties, Mealey’s Int’l Arb. Rep., 2009
France on arbitration spree, American Lawyer, 2011
Recent French Case Law on International Arbitration, American Lawyer, 2009

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