As the new year dawns, we reflect on the activities of MIAC over the last twelve months.
With the easing of restrictions in Mauritius, we had the pleasure of hosting in-person hearings in domestic and international cases as well as in-person and hybrid events at the state-of-the-art Mauritius Arbitration Suite in Port Louis. This includes: a hybrid conference on international arbitration in Mauritius in collaboration with the PCA Mauritius Office, Paris II University and Paris-Saclay University; a hybrid seminar on the arbitral process step-by-step; and a workshop on construction arbitration organised by the PCA Mauritius Office.

Collaboration has also been at the heart of MIAC’s activities last year with the conclusion of an Agreement on General Arrangements with the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

Locally, MIAC has built ties with, the International Law Association Mauritius Branch and the Mauritius Arbitration Academy of Middlesex University Mauritius, with whom the centre has collaborated for the organisation of two successful events.

Further, MIAC engaged with international stakeholders at leading arbitration related events hosted in Africa (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Kigali, Rwanda; and Accra, Ghana), Europe (London and Edinburgh, UK) and the Middle East (Dubai, UAE).

In 2022, MIAC published a French version of its Arbitration Rules. The institution further welcomed Prof. Christophe Seraglini as an officer of the MIAC Practitioners’ Group Steering Committee and established an advisory committee for its upcoming Database of Arbitrators comprising Mr. Iqbal Rajahbalee SC, Prof. Emilia Onyema, Ms. Ashwita Ambast, Mr. Bilshan Nursimulu, Dr. Constance Castres Saint-Martin and Ms. Andrea Lapunzina Veronelli.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our partners and clients for their continued support.

We look forward to working with you and welcoming you to our facilities in 2023.