Database of arbitrators

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab

Professor of International Arbitration, Private International Law and English Contract Law – Founding Partner & Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Energy

Zulficar & Partners Law Firm

Gender: Male

Nationality: Egyptian

Address: Cairo,

Country: Egypt

Email Address:

Phone: +20224612147


Languages: Arabic Native, English Fluent, French Working knowledge,

Experience as sole arbitrator: Yes , 30 cases

Experience as co-arbitrator: Yes , 111 cases

Experience as presiding arbitrator: Yes , 54 cases

Experience as counsel in arbitration proceedings: Yes , 112 cases

Legal systems: Civil Law, Common Law, Islamic Law

Bar Admission:

Fields of arbitration specialization: Agency, Construction & Infrastructure, Commercial arbitration, Distribution/Franchising, Energy & Natural Resources, Insurance, Investment law, Joint Venture, Telecommunications, International law (Public and Private), Online Dispute Resolution, International Trade and Finance, Artificial, Intelligence and Tourism and Leisure



 Co-author with Dr. Kabir Duggal and Dr. Harald Sippel (eds.) “Force majeure and hardship in the MENA Region”, JurisNet LLC publication (Forthcoming 2023).

 Co-editor with Gordon Blanke, Nayla Comair-Obeid, Soraya Corm-Bakhos (eds.), MENA Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration, Juris Publishing (2023).

 Co-author with Dr. Kabir Duggal “Two Giants, Hidden in Plain Sight: The Resurgence of the Unified Arab Investment Agreement and the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation Investment Agreement”, International Investment Law and Arbitration Series, Brill (2022).

 Co-editor with Chiann Bao, Alexander G. Fessas, Mark W. Friedman, Claudia T. Salomon and Eduardo Zuleta (eds.) “Leadership, Legitimacy, Legacy A Tribute to Alexis Mourre”, International Chamber of Commerce (2022).

 Co-editor with Maxi Scherer and Niuscha Bassiri (eds.) “International Arbitration and the COVID-19 Revolution”, Wolters Kluwer (2021). The First ever book to tackle the impact of COVID-19 on International Arbitration.

 “Essays on Private International Law”, Cairo University Press, Cairo (2017, 2019).

 Co-Editor with Ethan Katsh and Daniel Rainey of the leading treatise on entitled ‘Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice’, Eleven International Publishing Second Edition (2021).

 Co-Editor with Ethan Katsh and Daniel Rainey of the leading treatise on entitled ‘Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice’, Eleven International Publishing (2012). The book received the CPR Award for the Best Published Dispute Resolution Work (2013).

 “Citizenship and Legal Status of Foreigners in Egypt” (2007), (Cairo University Press, Cairo)

 “General Principles of Egyptian Contract Law” (2007), (Cairo University Press, Cairo)

 “General Principles of Anglo-American Civil Procedures” (2006), (Cairo University Press, Cairo)

 “Introduction to Egyptian Commercial Law” (2005), (Dar Al Thakafa Al Arabia, Cairo).

 “General Principles of Law: Introduction to the Study of Egyptian Law” (2005), (Cairo University Press, Cairo)

Book Chapters & Articles

 “Rethinking Issue Conflict in ISDS: Inform, Reform, or Deform?”, The Future of ISDS, Kluwer Law International (Forthcoming 2023).

 “Counterclaims in Investment Awards: Divergent Trends and Turning Tides” in Katia Fach Gómez and Catharine Titi, The Award In International Investment Arbitration, Oxford University Press (Forthcoming 2023).

 “What changes have occurred from the perspective of an arbitrator in a Post COVID World?” in Chiara Giorgetti and Makane Mbengue (eds.), International litigation after COVID (Forthcoming 2023).

 “The ODR Universe: Past, Present and Future” in International Arbitration Review of the Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution (Forthcoming 2023).

 “Welcome to the Future: The AI Arbitrator – An Unwelcomed Reality or Science Fiction?” in Stavros Brekoulakis and Romesh Weeramantry (eds.), International Arbitration: Whose is it Anyway? Liber Amicorum of Julian Lew KC, Kluwer Law Publishing (Forthcoming 2023).

 Co-author with Dr. Waleed El Nemr, “Applying FIDIC Contracts in Egypt” in Dr. Donald Charrett, FIDIC Contracts in Africa and the Middle East: A Practical Guide to Application (2023).

CV: Click here to download