Database of arbitrators
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Professor of International Arbitration, Private International Law and English Contract Law – Founding Partner & Head of International Arbitration, Construction and Energy
Zulficar & Partners Law Firm
Gender: Male
Nationality: Egyptian
Address: Cairo,
Country: Egypt
Email Address:
Phone: +20224612147
Languages: Arabic Native, English Fluent, French Working knowledge,
Experience as sole arbitrator: Yes , 30 cases
Experience as co-arbitrator: Yes , 111 cases
Experience as presiding arbitrator: Yes , 54 cases
Experience as counsel in arbitration proceedings: Yes , 112 cases
Legal systems: Civil Law, Common Law, Islamic Law
Bar Admission:
Fields of arbitration specialization: Agency, Construction & Infrastructure, Commercial arbitration, Distribution/Franchising, Energy & Natural Resources, Insurance, Investment law, Joint Venture, Telecommunications, International law (Public and Private), Online Dispute Resolution, International Trade and Finance, Artificial, Intelligence and Tourism and Leisure
Co-author with Dr. Kabir Duggal and Dr. Harald Sippel (eds.) “Force majeure and hardship in the MENA Region”, JurisNet LLC publication (Forthcoming 2023).
Co-editor with Gordon Blanke, Nayla Comair-Obeid, Soraya Corm-Bakhos (eds.), MENA Leading Arbitrators’ Guide to International Arbitration, Juris Publishing (2023).
Co-author with Dr. Kabir Duggal “Two Giants, Hidden in Plain Sight: The Resurgence of the Unified Arab Investment Agreement and the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation Investment Agreement”, International Investment Law and Arbitration Series, Brill (2022).
Co-editor with Chiann Bao, Alexander G. Fessas, Mark W. Friedman, Claudia T. Salomon and Eduardo Zuleta (eds.) “Leadership, Legitimacy, Legacy A Tribute to Alexis Mourre”, International Chamber of Commerce (2022).
Co-editor with Maxi Scherer and Niuscha Bassiri (eds.) “International Arbitration and the COVID-19 Revolution”, Wolters Kluwer (2021). The First ever book to tackle the impact of COVID-19 on International Arbitration.
“Essays on Private International Law”, Cairo University Press, Cairo (2017, 2019).
Co-Editor with Ethan Katsh and Daniel Rainey of the leading treatise on entitled ‘Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice’, Eleven International Publishing Second Edition (2021).
Co-Editor with Ethan Katsh and Daniel Rainey of the leading treatise on entitled ‘Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice’, Eleven International Publishing (2012). The book received the CPR Award for the Best Published Dispute Resolution Work (2013).
“Citizenship and Legal Status of Foreigners in Egypt” (2007), (Cairo University Press, Cairo)
“General Principles of Egyptian Contract Law” (2007), (Cairo University Press, Cairo)
“General Principles of Anglo-American Civil Procedures” (2006), (Cairo University Press, Cairo)
“Introduction to Egyptian Commercial Law” (2005), (Dar Al Thakafa Al Arabia, Cairo).
“General Principles of Law: Introduction to the Study of Egyptian Law” (2005), (Cairo University Press, Cairo)
Book Chapters & Articles
“Rethinking Issue Conflict in ISDS: Inform, Reform, or Deform?”, The Future of ISDS, Kluwer Law International (Forthcoming 2023).
“Counterclaims in Investment Awards: Divergent Trends and Turning Tides” in Katia Fach Gómez and Catharine Titi, The Award In International Investment Arbitration, Oxford University Press (Forthcoming 2023).
“What changes have occurred from the perspective of an arbitrator in a Post COVID World?” in Chiara Giorgetti and Makane Mbengue (eds.), International litigation after COVID (Forthcoming 2023).
“The ODR Universe: Past, Present and Future” in International Arbitration Review of the Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution (Forthcoming 2023).
“Welcome to the Future: The AI Arbitrator – An Unwelcomed Reality or Science Fiction?” in Stavros Brekoulakis and Romesh Weeramantry (eds.), International Arbitration: Whose is it Anyway? Liber Amicorum of Julian Lew KC, Kluwer Law Publishing (Forthcoming 2023).
Co-author with Dr. Waleed El Nemr, “Applying FIDIC Contracts in Egypt” in Dr. Donald Charrett, FIDIC Contracts in Africa and the Middle East: A Practical Guide to Application (2023).