Database of arbitrators

Mr. Stephen Bate

Chartered Arbitrator

ArbDB Chambers

Gender: Male

Nationality: British

Address: London EC4M 7BQ,

Country: United Kingdom

Email Address:

Phone: +4402035149020


Languages: English Native, , ,

Experience as sole arbitrator: Yes

Experience as co-arbitrator: Yes

Experience as presiding arbitrator: Yes

Experience as counsel in arbitration proceedings: Yes

Legal systems: Common Law

Bar Admission: UK, 1981

Fields of arbitration specialization: Competition, Commercial arbitration, Corporate law / M&A, Entertainment & Media, Hospitality & Leisure, Intellectual Property, Investment law, Sport, Telecommunications


Resolving Business Disputes: How to get better outcomes from commercial conflicts, Spiramus Press, June 2020 The Law of Privacy and the Media (most of the chapters on the law of copyright), Oxford University Press, 2012 and 2016 Satellite Communications in europw: Law and Regulation, Sweet & Maxwell, 1994

CV: Click here to download