Database of arbitrators
Dr. Veijo Heiskanen
Gender: Male
Nationality: Finnish
Address: Geneva 6,
Country: Switzerland
Email Address:
Phone: +41581052000
Languages: English Fluent, French Fluent, German Working knowledge, Swedish Working knowledge
Experience as sole arbitrator: No
Experience as co-arbitrator: Yes , 30 cases
Experience as presiding arbitrator: Yes , 30 cases
Experience as counsel in arbitration proceedings: Yes , 50 cases
Legal systems: Civil Law, Common Law
Bar Admission:
Fields of arbitration specialization: Mining, Technology and Telecom and Pharma & Biotechnology
Admissibility in International Arbitration, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
And Others: Mass Claims in ICSID Artibration, Kluwer Law International, 2015
Key to Efficiency in International Arbitration, ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law .Journal, 2015
Ménage à trois: Jurisdiction, Admissibility and Competence in Investment Treaty, ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal, 2014
And/Or: The Problem of Qualification in International Arbitration (2010), Arbitration International, 2010
Of capital import: The definition of investment in international investment law, ASA Special Series, 2010
State as a private: The participation of States in international commercial arbitration, Transnational Dispute Management, 2010
Forbidding dépeçage: Law governing investment treaty arbitration, 32 Suffolk Transnational Law Review, 2009
Arbitrary and unreasonable measures, Oxford University Press, 2008
Unreasonable or discriminatory measures as a cause of action under the Energy Charter Treaty, International Arbitration Law Review, 2007
The doctrine of indirect expropriation in light of the practice of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The .Journal of World Investment & Trade, 2007