Database of arbitrators
Mr. Alexis Mourre
MGC Arbitration
Gender: Male
Nationality: French
Address: Paris,
Country: France
Email Address:
Phone: +33149532947
Languages: French Fluent, Spanish Fluent, Italian Fluent, Portuguese Working knowledge
Experience as sole arbitrator: Yes
Experience as co-arbitrator: Yes
Experience as presiding arbitrator: Yes
Experience as counsel in arbitration proceedings: Yes
Legal systems: Civil Law, Common Law
Bar Admission: Paris, 1988
Fields of arbitration specialization: Construction & Infrastructure, Commercial arbitration, Corporate law / M&A, Energy & Natural Resources, Investment law
L’instance arbitrale, Juris-Classeur, 2012
Les mesures provisoires et conservatoires dans l’arbitrage international, Juris- Classeur, 2014
Les règles de compétence, de reconnaissance et d’exécution des décisions en matière civile et commerciale dans l’Union européenne et dans les Etats parties aux Conventions de Bruxelles et de Lugano, Encyclopédie Lamy Contrats internationaux, 2002, 2010 and 2014
Written Evidence and Discovery in International Arbitration, ICC Publishing, 2009
Players’ Interaction in International Arbitration, ICC Publishing, 2012 Alberico Gentili (1552-1608) aux sources du droit international, Mélanges Guy Horsmans, 2004
L’aveuglement de Zaleucus, ou variations sur l’arbitrage et l’ordre public, Helbing&Lichtenhahn, 2005
A propos de trois arrêts récents et du contrôle de la compétence de l’arbitre, notamment dans l’arbitrage institutionnel, Economica, 2009
Some Comments on Denial of Justice in Private and Public International Law after Loewen and Saipem, La Ley, 2010
Are Unilateral Appointments Defensible? On Jan Paulsson’s Moral Hazard in International Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, 2011
Serge Lazareff, Une vision de l’arbitre à travers 10 ans d’éditoriaux des Cahiers de l’Arbitrage, Pedone Editors, 2011
Institutional Arbitration Rules: Do they deserve more Deference from the Judiciary?, Hart Publishing, 2012
¿Quien tiene Competencia sobre los árbitros? Reflexiones sobre el contrato de árbitro?, Quartier latin do Brasil, 2013)
L’espropriazione giudiziale: Espropriazione o diniego di giustizia?, Liber Amicorum, 2014
A Comparative Approach to the Standard of Review of Arbitral Awards under Substantive Public Policy, The Challenges and the Future of Commercial and Investment Arbitration, Lewiatan, 2015
Le chapitre X de l’accord économique et commercial global Canada-Union européenne : une solution équilibrée au débat sur le recours à l’arbitrage dans le règlement des différends entre investisseurs et États ?, Lextenso éditions, 2015
About Procedural Soft Law, the IBA Guidelines on Party Representation and the Future of Arbitration, Wolters Kluwer, 2017
Arbitration and criminal law : reflections on the duties of the arbitrator, Arbitration International, 2006
Are Amici Curiae the proper response to the concern on transparency in investment arbitration?, The Law and Practice of International Tribunals, 2006
The IBA Guidelines on Party Representation in International Arbitration, Kluwer Law International 2015 Soft law as a condition for the development of trust in international arbitration, CEU Ediciones, 2018
Gas Price Reopeners: is Arbitration Still the Answer?, Dispute Resolution International, 2015