Database of arbitrators
Ms. Annet van Hooft
van Hooft
Gender: Female
Nationality: Dutch
Address: Paris,
Country: France
Email Address:
Phone: +33619159293
Languages: Dutch Native, English Fluent, French Fluent, German Fluent
Experience as sole arbitrator: Yes , 18 cases
Experience as co-arbitrator: Yes , 15 cases
Experience as presiding arbitrator: Yes , 28 cases
Experience as counsel in arbitration proceedings: Yes , 45 cases
Legal systems: Civil Law, Common Law
Bar Admission: Rotterdam Bar (1998) , New York Bar (1999) , Paris Bar (98/5/CE, 2007)
Fields of arbitration specialization: Construction & Infrastructure, Corporate law / M&A, Engineering, Energy & Natural Resources, Telecommunications, Life sciences and financial disputes
A. van Hooft, ‘Netherlands’, in Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards, 2e, ed. Julien Fouret, Globe Law and Business (December 2020).A. van Hooft, ‘The Netherlands: Reinstatement of the Yukos Awards’, 3 ICC Bull. (2020).
A. van Hooft, ‘Arbitration and Intellectual Property’, Liber Amicorum, 50 years of solutions Cepani 1969 – 2019, ed. D. De Meulemeester, M. Berlingin, B. Kohl, Wolters Kluwer (November 2019).
A. van Hooft, J. Kroes, ‘Case study: the legislator’s perspective’, Arbitration in the Digital Age, ed. Maud Piers, Christian Aschauer, Cambridge University Press (January 2018).
A. van Hooft, A.-K. Becker, Konfliktmanagement im internationalen Rechtsverkehr ‘PROZESSE VERMEIDEN, PROZESSE VORBEREITEN, PROZESSE FÜHREN“ ed: S. Gabriel, and J. Landbrecht, Stämpfli (November 2017).
A. van Hooft, C. Devue, ‘Arbitrage et droits de propriété intellectuelle’, Journal des Sociétés, N° 157 (November 2017).
A. van Hooft, C. Devue, ‘La procédure se simplifie pour les petits litiges’, Usine Nouvelle, 25/31 (May 2017).
A. van Hooft, E. Brisson, ‘Comment sécuriser la sentence arbitrale’, Usine Nouvelle, 01/07 (December 2016).
A. van Hooft, ‘Brexit and the Future of Intellectual Property Litigation and Arbitration’, Journal of International Arbitration Special BREXIT Issue (September 2016).
M. Castro Granja, A. van Hooft, ‘The Netherlands’, Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards, ed. Julien Fouret, Globe Law and Business (January 2015).
A. van Hooft, C. Morel de Westgaver, ‘The 2012 ICC Rules: Two Years On’, Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage, 2014/3.
A. van Hooft, ‘Efficient management of arbitral proceedings’, CEPANI Conference Bundle: “The 2012 ICC Rules” (April 2014).
A. van Hooft, E. Tjon-en-Fa, ‘Nederland Arbitrageland: Wetsvoorstel tot modernisering van het arbitragerecht’, General Counsel Netherlands (May 28, 2013).
J. Grierson, A. van Hooft, Arbitrating Under the 2012 ICC Rules: An Introductory User’s Guide. Kluwer Law International (May 2012).
A. van Hooft, ‘Het nieuwe ICC-Arbitragereglement’, Tijdschrift voor Ondernemingsrecht 2011/103 (November 7, 2011).
A. van Hooft, Kanttekening Cepina Colloquium ‘Arbitrage en Mededingingsrecht’, Rechtskundig Weekblad, No. 32 (April 9, 2011).
A. van Hooft, ‘Effective Use of Discovery Obtained Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1782 in Proceedings Before Dutch Courts’, Jones Day Notes (September 2009).
A. van Hooft, ‘The Netherlands’ Supreme Court Confirms Annulment of ICC Arbitral Award for Failure to Comply with Mandatory Signing Requirements’, Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, Vol. 24 (January 2009).
A. van Hooft, ‘Productie van documenten in arbitrage en assistentie van Nederlandse en Amerikaanse gerechten’, Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage, 2009/1.
A. van Hooft, ‘The Role of the ICC International Court of Arbitration and its Secretariat’, Tijdschrift voor Arbitrage, 2006/1.