Database of arbitrators

Ms. Catherine Schroeder

Independent Arbitrator

Schroeder Arbitration

Gender: Female

Nationality: American, French

Address: Paris,

Country: France

Email Address:

Phone: +33140731623


Languages: French Native, English Fluent, ,

Experience as sole arbitrator: Yes , 11 cases

Experience as co-arbitrator: Yes , 2 cases

Experience as presiding arbitrator: No

Experience as counsel in arbitration proceedings: Yes , 15 cases

Legal systems: Civil Law, Common Law

Bar Admission: Paris, 2005

Fields of arbitration specialization: Agency, Construction & Infrastructure, Distribution/Franchising, Energy & Natural Resources, Intellectual Property, Sales & Purchases


The practice of expertise in international arbitration, The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2016

Institutions d’arbitrage et responsabilité, Note under CA Paris court of Appeals, The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2010

Default at the pre-arbitration stage, in “Default in international arbitration, striking the balance”, Wolters Kluwer 2022

Covid 19: What impact on arbitrators?; ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin 2020, Issue 3

CV: Click here to download