Database of Arbitrators and Mediators
The MIAC Database features a global pool of both highly experienced and new arbitrators as well as mediators, drawn from civil and common law jurisdictions around the world.
In creating an online Database, MIAC aims to create a useful resource to users, and at the same time bring to the fore the recognized talent of arbitrators and mediators from Africa, Asia, and beyond.
The Database is freely accessible to the public for assistance in identifying appropriate arbitrators for specific cases. Appointments by the MIAC appointing authority may also draw upon, but would not be limited to, the Database. While MIAC encourages qualified individuals to join the Database, inclusion in the Database does not entail an endorsement or certification by MIAC.
Prof. Walid Ben Hamida
University of Paris-Saclay
Gender: Male
Nationality: French, Tunisian
Country: France
Email Address:
Languages: French (Native), Arabic (Native), English (Fluent)
Experience as sole arbitrator: Yes
Experience as co-arbitrator: Yes
Experience as presiding arbitrator: Yes
Experience as counsel in arbitration proceedings: Yes
Experience as Mediator: Yes
Legal systems: Civil Law, Islamic Law
Bar Admission: Tunisia, 1998 (Omitted) , France, 2004 (Omitted)
Fields of arbitration specialization: Investment law, Arab and African Laws
Un demi-siècle africain d’arbitrage d’investissement CIRDI. Regards rétrospectifs et prospectifs, LGDJ Lextenso, 2019
La médiation dans tous ses états, Pedone, 2018
Convergences et contradictions du droit des investissements et des droits de l’homme : une approche contentieuse, Convergences and contradictions between investment law and human rights law – A litigation approach ? Pedone, 2017
L’argent dans l’arbitrage, Lextenso, 2013
Arbitration in the new Chinese Investment Law, International Business Law Review 2019
The Arab Investment Court, Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, 2018
The Arab League’s Difficult Path Towards a Greater Quality and Clarity of Regional Investment Law: the Amended Arab Investment Agreement of 2013 Enters into Force, International Journal of Arab Arbitration, 2016
Code Tunisien de l’arbitrage: Annoté par la jurisprudence, Ed. Bettaieb, 2015
La finance islamique devant le juge étatique : étude comparée, Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé 2015
Enforcement of arbitral awards in Tunisia, In Enforcement of Investment Treaty Arbitration Awards: A Global Guide Hardback, Globe Law and Business, 2015 A Fabulous Discovery: The Arbitration Offer under the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Agreement Related to Investment, Journal of International Arbitration, 2013
SAUR International SA v. République argentine: Droit national, droit international et droits de l’homme : l’histoire d’un ménage à trois, ICSID Review, 2013
Arbitration in Tunisia, Arbitration in Africa : A Practitioner’s Guide, 2013
Sovereign Wealth Investment and Investment Treaties, The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 2010
Investment Treaties Before Domestic Courts, Liber Amicorum: Thomas Walde: Law Beyond Conventional Thought, 2009
La prise en compte de l’intérêt général et des impératifs de développement en droit des investissement, Journal du droit international, 2008
The Energy Charter Treaty and corporate acquisition: The arbitrability of ECT pre-investment (access) rights, investment character of tender offers and parallel application of Energy Charter Treaty and European Community law, Investment protection and the Energy Charter Treaty, 2009
Clause de la Nation la Plus Favorisée et mécanismes de règlement des différends : Que dit l’histoire?, Journal du droit international, 2007
Two Nebulous ICSID Features : The Notion of Investment and The Scope of Annulment Control, Journal of International Arbitration, 2007
The First Arab Investment Court Decision, Journal of World Investment and Trade, 2006
L’arbitrage Etat-investisseur face à un désordre procédural : la concurrence des procédures et les conflits de juridictions, Annuaire Français du Droit International, 2005
The Sedelmayer v. Russia case, Stockholm Arbitration International Review, 2005
The Mihaly v. Sri Lanka case : some thoughts relating to the status of pre-investment expenditures, International Investment Law and Arbitration: Leading Cases from the ICSID, NAFTA, Bilateral Treaties and Customary International Law, 2005
L’arbitrage Etat-investisseur : Regards sur les traités et projets récents, Journal du droit international, 2004