Database of Arbitrators and Mediators
The MIAC Database features a global pool of both highly experienced and new arbitrators as well as mediators, drawn from civil and common law jurisdictions around the world.
In creating an online Database, MIAC aims to create a useful resource to users, and at the same time bring to the fore the recognized talent of arbitrators and mediators from Africa, Asia, and beyond.
The Database is freely accessible to the public for assistance in identifying appropriate arbitrators for specific cases. Appointments by the MIAC appointing authority may also draw upon, but would not be limited to, the Database. While MIAC encourages qualified individuals to join the Database, inclusion in the Database does not entail an endorsement or certification by MIAC.
Dr. Laurent Lévy
Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler
Gender: Male
Nationality: Brazilian, Swiss
Country: Switzerland
Email Address:
Languages: French (Native), English (Fluent), German (Knowledge)
Experience as sole arbitrator: Yes
Experience as co-arbitrator: No
Experience as presiding arbitrator: No
Experience as counsel in arbitration proceedings: Yes
Experience as Mediator:
Legal systems: Civil Law
Bar Admission: Geneva, 1974
Fields of arbitration specialization: Commercial arbitration, Corporate law / M&A, Energy & Natural Resources, Investment law, Joint Venture
The Arbitrator’s Role, co-authored with Rahul Donde, Gas and LNG Price Arbitrations, 2020
Expedited Procedures, International Arbitration, 2017
Recent Swiss Developments on Exclusion Agreements, Huntington, 2015
L’interprétation arbitrale, Comité Français de l’Arbitrage, 2013
Third-party funding, Disclosure, joinder and impact on arbitral proceedings, International Chamber of Commerce, 2013
The Chairman’s Role in the Arbitral Tribunal’s Dynamics, International Chamber of Commerce, 2012
Arbitration and Bankruptcy: Bankruptcy of Arbitration?, Dispute Resolution International, 2011
The Survival of the Arbitration Agreement and Arbitration Proceedings, The Paris Journal of International Arbitration, 2010
Transgression of the Arbitrators’ Authority: Article V(1)(c) of the New York Convention, The New York Convention in Practice, 2008
Recent Swiss Developments on Exclusion Agreements, Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, 2008
Interest, Auxiliary and Alternative Remedies in International Arbitration, ICC Publication, 2008
Transgression of the Arbitrators’ Authority: Article V(1)(c) of the New York Convention, In Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and International Arbitral Awards – The New York Convention in Practice, Emmanuel Gaillard and Domenico Di Pietro editors, Cameron May, 2008, pp. 639- 678, co-authored with Mercédeh Azeredo da Silveira
Testimonies in the contemporary practice: witness statements and cross-examination, In Arbitral Procedure: at the Dawn of the New Millennium, Reports of the International Colloquium of CEPANI, 2005
Insolvency in Arbitration (Swiss Law), Int.A.R.L., 2005
Arbitration & Oral Evidence, ICC Publication 689, 2005
Witness Statements, in De Lege Ferenda, Réflexions sur le droit désirable en l’honneur du Professeur Alain Hirsch, Slatkine, 2004
Lis Alibi Pendens, Complex Arbitration, 2003
Arbitration of Asset Management Disputes, Bulletin ASA, 2003
Arbitrability of Disputes in Corporate Matters (Swiss Law), Int.A.R.L., 2002
La suspension d’instance dans l’arbitrage international, Gazette du Palais, 2001
Les astreintes et l’arbitrage international en Suisse, Bâle, 2001
Contribution to the 7th Geneva Global Arbitration Forum, Journal of International Arbitration, 1999
Concordat par abandon d’actif, contribution au Commentaire: de la loi sur les faillites, Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1998
Faillite et arbitrage, Bulletin ASA, 1998
Société Anonyme les réviseurs, Fiches Juridiques Suisses, 1996
L’entraide judiciaire: internationale en matière: civile, Georg, Geneva, 1986 Dissenting Opinions, Arbitration International, 1989
La nationalité des sociétés, LGDJ, 1984