It has been an honour and a privilege for MIAC to host the negotiations between the Republic of Mauritius and the French Republic on the Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters treaties this week.
The sessions were attended by the Attorney General, Minister of Agro-Industry and Food Security, the Honorable Mr. Maneesh Gobin, the Ambassador of France to the Republic of Mauritius, Her Excellency Ms. Florence Caussé-Tissier, the Solicitor-General, the Honorable Mr. Rajeshsharma Ramloll, and other personalities from the Attorney-General’s Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Ms. Milca Michel-Gabriel, Chargée de Mission from the Convention, Civil Affairs, and Mutual Legal Assistance Office of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs participated in the talks via videoconferencing.
For further information on the negotiations, please visit: https://gis.govmu.org/SitePages/ReadMore.aspx?IDR=739.
The Arbitration Suite is available for hearings and meetings. Booking enquiries should be sent to info@miac.mu.