Introduction to MIAC

The Mauritius International Arbitration Centre (MIAC) brings the highest level of dispute resolution services to the international community. From its establishment in 2011 until 2018, MIAC operated as part of a joint venture with the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA-MIAC Arbitration Centre). MIAC has operated as an independent arbitration centre since 27 July 2018, drawing on the significant expertise gained during this initial phase of its development.

MIAC operates with the support of an Advisory Board, a Board of Directors, and a Secretariat, and draws on the established legal framework for international arbitration in Mauritius including the Mauritian International Arbitration Act, 2008 and the role of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) thereunder. For more information about the PCA and Mauritius, please click here.

MIAC benefits from the full support of the Government of Mauritius, as part of the Government’s overall policy of developing Mauritius as a dispute settlement hub and a state-of-the art international arbitral seat for Africa and beyond. MIAC is operationally independent from the Government, and strict principles of non-interference by Government in the administration of MIAC cases are guaranteed by binding international agreements and are enshrined in MIAC’s Constitution.

Organisational Structure

MIAC functions within a three-tier structure comprised of an Advisory Board, Board of Directors, and a Secretariat.

Advisory Board

The MIAC Advisory Board provides advice to the Secretariat, supporting the institution’s adherence to accepted international standards.

Board of Directors

The MIAC Board of Directors shapes the policy of the organisation, provides general guidance on the work of MIAC, and supervises its administration, budget, and expenditure. It is not involved in case-management. The Board is composed of Mr. Salim Moollan KC, Mr. Yvan Jean-Louis, and Mr. Martin Doe.


The Secretariat consists of an experienced team of legal and administrative staff that is responsible for the day-to-day administration of disputes referred to MIAC.

The Secretariat is led by a Registrar, Mr. Karim M’ziani. Mr. M’ziani is also Legal Counsel at the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The Registrar brings the highest level of dispute resolution expertise to MIAC.

Mr. Karim M’ziani

Mr. Karim M’ziani